Sunday 4 December 2011

Simplytrak Launch New Generator Monitoring Solutions in Dubai

Simplytrak will be demonstrating a new suite of real time Generator Monitoring Solutions at the Middle East Electricity  Show Feb 7-9th 2012 in Dubai.

Simplytrak will be offering unique solutions on a one stop shop basis for customers looking to purchase and remotely monitor their generators online. This also means that customers can purchase their generators directly from Simplytrak with built in Monitoring Solutions.

The remote generator monitoring solutions are integrated with major control board manufacturers which allows monitoring data that covers usage and automated alert information fed back to a remote control centre, all in real time.

Simplytrak Tracking Across The World into 2012

Simplytrak In South America
Simplytrak are proud to announce two more major distributorships to add to the international portfolio.

The new distributorships will be in South America, with companies in Brazil and Columbia. Simplytrak Columbia is to be run out of the USA offices in Florida and Colorado.

Brazil is a very difficult country for a business to get establishment in, but hardwork and persevereance has paid off for Simplytrak and the company is excited for 2012 as both the new South American sectors become fully operational.
 All the key product areas of the Simplytrak portfolio will be sold in South America, primarily 
  • Vehicle Tracking
  • Asset Tracking
  • Generator Monitoring
Both South American companies will rollout operations before Christmas 2011.

Sunday 30 October 2011

Simplytrak Vehicle Tracking Used In The Future Of Formula 1

Dan Hills is a budding future Formula 1 driver. Dan's rapid progress racing Formula Carts now has placed him under the wings of Renault Formula 4. Simpytraks unique vehicle tracking technology has been used to monitor and record car and driver behaviour. This invaluable driver behaviour technology is being fine tuned for future Formula 1 racing drivers to analyse every second of performance with a view to improving driving skills. The unique vehicle tracking technology is also used to analyse and feedback car performance sending back invaluable data to racing car engineers.

Simplytrak are looking to expand their unique 'Driver Behaviour Analysis' technology.
Dan Wells needs corporate sponsorship, Dan would make a first class company ambassador, if you are interested in sponsoring Dan and your brand being part of his future success please visit his website here for more information. Dan Wells Motor Racing

Saturday 3 September 2011

Major Company saves 18% with Simplytrak's 'Drive Green' Innovation

Simplytrak are breaking new ground in the world of 'Vehicle Tracking' technology with the launch of a world first. Simplytrak have fully integrated a 'Drive Green' product into it's
Vehicle Tracking software.

Simplytrak 'Drive Green' for Vehicle Tracking

The multi faceted innovation means that companies can monitor driver behaviour encouraging Fleet drivers to 'Drive Green' this increases driver safety, saves on company fuel bills and helps reduce carbon footprint.

Simplytrak's world leading software was tested on an international platform with a major document processing corporation who wish to remain anonymous to protect their competitive advantage. The company tested installed the 'Drive Green' software across a number of European countries, all reported outstanding results including a big percentage saving in fuel bills. Awards were given to fleet drivers who ranked top in the 'Go Green' initiative.

The 'Drive Green software will be incorporated into all developments of Simplytrak's Vehicle Tracking software. The 'Drive Green' policy is high on the priority list for Fleet Managers, as is reducing fuel costs, no wonder then that the software only launched on September the 1st has recieved interest from  industry world wide.

Friday 22 July 2011

Vehicle Tracking works for Countrywide Freight Group

The Countrywide Freight Group have hundreds of vehicles out on the road everyday travelling to every part of the UK. Despite a difficult economic climate and ever increasing fuel costs the Countrywide Group are in good shape.
Vehicle Tracking Solution for Countrywide's Large Fleet

Countrwide invested in Vehicle Tracking with Simplytrak back in 2005, the difference it made to the efficiency and financial running of the business was phenomenal. Countrywides investment in Vehicle Tracking paid for itself within one month, and started saving the company thousands in the long term.
Simplytrak won the Vehicle Tracking contract with Countrwide after the company put five other Satellite Tracking companies products to test. The investment in Fleet Tracking has also proved essential for the security of valuable consignments, a welcome bonus for Countrywides large customer base.

Saturday 18 June 2011

Vehicle Tracking is only part of the Simplytrak technology portfolio

Simplytrak in the UK are best known as market forerunners for Vehicle Tracking
However the company has a wide ranging expertise in specialist tracking and monitoring technology for use in remote areas. Simplytrak have installed remote monitoring systems that monitor pipelines in Africa, and  GPS systems that track iridium using satellite technology in the desert areas of Saudi Arabia.
GSP remote monitoring in The Saudi Arabian Desert by Simplytrak

Tuesday 31 May 2011

Shell Oil Employ Simplytrak For Vehicle Tracking

Shell One of the biggest oil and petroleum multi national companies in the world have awarded Simplytrak Ltd a contract to provide Vehicle Tracking for it's vehicles in the West African Region.

Vehicle Tracking - Shell
 West Africa is a region where Satellite GPS Tracking becomes essential for valuable asset tracking over difficult terrain.

Simplytrak based in the UK are fast chasing world leadership in vehicle tracking technology.